
Robert Carruthers School

Code of Conduct

The Robert Carruthers School community works hard to promote respect for authority, responsibility, excellence and life-long learning. To achieve these goals self-discipline is required; thus this Code defines what is expected of me, whilst I am at school, in my school uniform, at a school function or school activity, or in a public place where I am identifiable, or likely to be identified, as a pupil of Robert Carruthers School. Its aim is to establish a disciplined, safe and purposeful school environment, dedicated to the improvement and maintenance of a quality education. It works hand in hand with the School’s General Rules and Regulation Policy and all other School Policies and is determined by all regulations therein as well as by the South African Schools Act and the South African Constitution. I am also reminded, in this Code, that the SASA Section 8(4) states “Nothing contained in this Act exempts a learner from the obligation to comply with the code of conduct of the school attended by such learner.”
We aim to create a positive and encouraging learning environment with structure and routine because we believe that children thrive under such conditions. Therefore, this Code sets clear boundaries, which, when crossed, will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the school’s Disciplinary and other Policies, the Constitution and SASA.


This Code has been drawn up by the SGB in order to create a disciplined, safe and quality learning environment so that with effort on my part I can work to the best of my own ability.


I understand that the Constitution grants me certain rights but I also understand that for every right there is a matching responsibility on my part.  So, for quality teaching and learning to take place I understand that:

  • I have the right to be respected by other members of our school community regardless of my personal, religious or cultural differences. Therefore my responsibility in this regard is to show mutual respect to all people, irrespective of our differences.
  • I have the right to personal safety and security of property but, likewise, my responsibility is that I will not do anything that may cause danger or harm to another person and neither will I treat another’s belongings dishonestly or disrespectfully.
  • I have the right to make use of available school facilities and property thus my responsibility is to use these facilities carefully and wisely at the time set down for their use.
  • I have the right to a clean environment; likewise, I have the responsibility to create a healthy environment by not littering and by keeping my school clean, neat and tidy.
  • I have the right to fair treatment, to listen and to be heard but my responsibility in this regard is that I should treat all people at the school with respect and dignity, I should not interrupt any person whilst they are speaking, I should not disrupt any lesson or school function and I should speak to everyone connected to the school in a polite and dignified manner.
  • I have the right to uninterrupted access to knowledge, skills and resources and as such my responsibility in this regard is to ensure that I do not disturb anyone else’s ability to be taught or to teach.
  • I have the right to have my progress assessed but my responsibility is to ensure that I do progress. This means that I must take responsibility for my own progress and learning by doing everything required of me in this regard.
  • I have the right to ask for help but my responsibility is to do so at an appropriate time and in an appropriate manner.
  • I have the right to expect that school activities will start on time; thus my responsibility is to be punctual at all times.
  • I have the right to participate in a wide range of school activities and where possible represent the school competitively. My responsibility in this regard is that I must participate honestly and with personal integrity whilst allowing everyone else to loyally discover and develop their own potential.
  • I have the right to a social life outside of school but my responsibility is to ensure that I follow a healthy lifestyle which promotes good health and happiness and brings credit to my school.
  • I and my parents have the right to be informed about decisions taken at school and school activities; as such my responsibility is to ensure that I read all correspondence and give it to my parents. I also have the responsibility to bring all reply slips back to school on the stated date.
  • I have the right to make mistakes but my responsibility is to learn from my mistakes.


  • I will show respect for all people involved with the school and as such I will be non-racist, non-discriminatory, co-operative, considerate and well mannered. As such I will greet every adult connected to the school and call them Ma’am or Sir.
  • I will be loyal to my school and a good ambassador. As such I will attend school functions and not let my team or classmates down by breaking school rules.
  • I will give of my best, whether in the classroom, on the sports field, involved in a cultural activity or whilst doing homework.
  • I will be honest. I will not steal from anyone and neither will I lie, cheat or deceive.
  • I will stick to the Departmental school calendar and not miss school unnecessarily. If I am absent I will bring an explanation letter from my parent/legal guardian and if I am absent for three or more days I will bring a medical doctor’s certificate.
  • If I am absent from any test or examination I will provide the school with a valid medical doctor’s certificate. I understand that if I do not do this I will be given nought for the test or examination.
  • I will stick to the school times as laid down by the SGB; therefore I will not arrive late and neither will I remain on the school property or surrounds later than half-an-hour after my last activity.
  • I will uphold the school’s ethos and mission.
  • I agree to obey all reasonable instructions from leaders and scholar patrol members relating to school rules and road safety.
  • I understand that if my academic, sporting, cultural or general behaviour in anyway defies what is expected of me I will not be permitted to go on tour/excursion/outing and that I will have my privileges at school removed.
  • I also understand that if I do not abide by this code I will be punished in accordance with the school’s stipulated methods to correct behaviour.
  • I understand that attending assembly is compulsory and that, during this ceremony, I am expected to respect the rights and beliefs of others.


In the Classroom
  • I will treat equipment, furniture, apparatus, stationery and books with utmost care.
  • I will enter and leave and move from class to class in an orderly fashion without running or disrupting other classes.
  • I will arrive punctually for all my lessons and excuse myself from the teacher concerned if I am, for a valid reason, unable to attend a particular lesson.
  • I will apply myself, to the best of my ability, in a conscientious fashion when doing any class work or homework and I will complete all tasks in accordance with stipulated timeframes.
  • I will not eat or drink unless I am expected to do so.
  • I will not be rude, cheeky or disobedient.
  • I will not be disruptive or lazy and neither will I create a situation whereby my fellow pupils are unable to get the best of the lessons provided.
  • I will hand any notice, circular, information letter or correspondence to my parent and I will promptly return, to my class teacher, any reply slip attached to such documentation, completed by my parent.
On the School Property and whilst in School uniform
  • I will not bring to school, use or associate with anyone who has brought or is using cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or pornographic material.
  • I will not write on any surface not intended to be written on.
  • I will not behave in an immoral fashion or use bad language.
  • I will not play, eat, drink or loiter in the toilet facilities and I undertake to keep the toilets clean.
  • I undertake to abide by the school rules relating to cell phones and I understand that if I am found with a cell phone it will be confiscated and I will not get it back until the end of the year.
  • I will only play on the playground set aside for me so I will stay away from the ‘out of bounds’ areas.
  • I will not spit, chew gum or bring gum to school.
  • I will not leave the property during school hours without permission of the Principal and without signing out at the front office.
  • I will not visit the office or use the public telephone during tuition time unless I have permission to do so from a teacher.
  • I will not be rowdy and neither will I run in the school building or on school corridors.
  • I will not fight with, bully, hurt or intimidate any person and neither will I pinch, push, shove, trip, kick or in any way act aggressively. I understand that the term bullying refers to, but is not limited to, mental, verbal, physical or cyber/electronic abuse.
  • I will take care of my own belongings and not leave them lying around. I understand that the school accepts no liability for the damage to, or the destruction or loss of any property brought onto the premises by my parent or me. I also understand that this regulation applies no matter who caused the damage or loss to such property or whether the damage or loss was intentional or accidental. I also understand that it is my own responsibility to look after my belongings properly.
  • I will not destroy, damage or lose school property but I understand that if such damage or loss is caused by me, my parents will be held liable and will be required to pay the replacement value, as determined by the school, of such property.
  • I will not remove, destroy, damage, handle, mark or deface any property belonging to any staff member, fellow pupil, visitor or members of the public. This rule applies to property on or off the school grounds, as well as to any vehicle, or property therein, that I may be transported in.
  • I will not remove, disturb, destroy or damage the property belonging to any other person on the school property. I will also report any act of vandalism or theft I see to a teacher.
  • I will use the dustbins provided and I will not litter the grounds, the classroom or the area immediately surrounding the school and neither will I step over or ignore litter. I will pick up any litter I am near.
  • I will not be on the property over weekends, after extra-murals or half-an-hour after my last activity unless I have written permission from the Principal to be there.
  • I will obey the rules of the road, use the Scholar Patrol crossings and obey traffic officials.
  • I will not bring toys, gadgets, radios, walkmans, iPods or cameras to school without special permission from a teacher. I understand that the school cannot be held responsible for any loss of valuable personal items.
  • I will not bring any sort of dangerous weapon or object to school.
  • When the bell rings after breaks I will immediately stop what I was doing and go directly to my next class, in an orderly fashion.
  • I will only speak English at school unless participating in the Afrikaans lessons.
  • I will ensure that all my school, sports clothing and other possessions are marked with my full name. In the case of clothing, name markings must not be visible when I am wearing the clothing.
  • I will show good sportsmanship at all times.
  • I will use the toilet facilities provided for my ablutions and I will not use any toilet facility reserved for staff members.
  • I will set a good example to my peer group.
  • I will not climb onto any part of the building or up/over fences or walls, trees or vegetation.
  • I will not get involved in any form of activity that is of a sexual or intimate nature.
  • I will not bring any medication to school without a written letter of explanation from my parent. I will hand all medicine to my teacher for safe keeping because I understand that I may not self-medicate.
  • I will at all times, behave in such a way as to not cause offence, harm or injury to anyone.

         4. APPEARANCE

  • I will ensure that my person and my uniform is kept clean and in good repair.
  • I will wear the correct, official uniform at all times without addition or exclusion.
  • I will not wear any jewellery or adornment other than that prescribed in the Rules and Regulation Policy.
  • I will not wear any visible body decoration, either of a permanent or temporary nature. This includes, but is not limited to, tattoos, nail colour, writing, painting or drawing on any exposed body part or any body piercing other than one hole per earlobe for the girls.
  • I understand and abide by the rule that ear piercings and earrings are not permitted for boys.
  • I will not wear make-up, lip gloss or colour my hair whilst in uniform or on Civvies Day.
  • I will abide by the School Rules and Regulations relating to hairstyles.
  • I will take pride in my appearance and wear my uniform with pride and dignity.


I have read all of the above and have had them fully explained to me by a teacher; my parent/legal guardian or a translator. I understand them and I promise to stick to them. I understand also, that if I deliberately disobey these rules the school may phone my parents/guardians and suggest that I be removed from the property. I also understand that in some circumstances, if my behaviour is unacceptable the school may require me and my parent/s to sit before the School Governing Body Disciplinary Committee, which hearing will be conducted in accordance with the SGB DC Policy. If that happens I understand that, after a fair hearing, following due process, action may be taken against me which could lead to me either being suspended or expelled.
I also understand that the school has on its property an educator assigned specifically for counselling who will assist me with any problems I may have.