Mrs L J Bannatyne

Principal’s Message – Mrs L J Bannatyne


Mrs_L_J_Bannatyne_Robert_carruthers_School_IMG_8429The choosing of a school for a child is probably one of the most difficult decisions a thinking parent has to make. This is not as easy as it used to be because these days the horror of government schooling makes headlines on an almost daily basis. it rarely happens that a week goes by without our media reporting on some or other horror afflicting school children within our supposed ‘failing’ education system. Allow me to put some of your concerns to rest by spelling out, briefly, how Robert Carruthers School approaches 21st century education and schooling. However, if after you have familiarised yourself with our school through this web page, you still have questions or concerns please feel free to take up the opportunity of our Open Door Policy and visit us to see for yourself.

In my opinion no child can be educated in an undisciplined environment. For that reason we strictly enforce our school rules and Code of Conduct. This makes everyone more contented, secure and enables learning to take place in a happy environment. We do not allow the individual to spoil it for the rest as we believe that people who take away the rights of others automatically limit their own rights. We strive to achieve self-discipline but as ours are pre and primary school children we are aware that many lessons take a while to learn.

We expect all children to be polite and greet every adult at school as ‘ma’am’ or ‘sir’. We also expect them to say please and thank you, to respect others, to share, to accept the disappointment of not always getting their own way and to participate in their own learning and educational growth.

By and large we achieve the above and as such ours is a happy school where all children enjoy a litter free environment, have teachers and coaches in class or on the sports field on time every school day, are challenged and expected to reach their own potential, are encouraged to try new things and to think outside the box.

Above all else we are realistic and we know that without the support of parents a pre or primary school child is never going to achieve what s/he is capable of if parents are ‘missing in action’. For that reason we state categorically that the higher the level of parental involvement the bigger the chance of a child reaching his/her own potential AND remaining at school until matric is.

There is no ‘secret’ formula involved in educating a child other than having three committed participants – the child, parent and school. We are committed – are you and your child? Our aim is to ensure that by the time a child leaves us in Gr 7 s/he knows exactly where his/her strengths lie – thus making the choice of high school an easier and more informed matter. However, we cannot achieve this if every child does not make the most of the wonderful opportunities offered here and if every parent does not have realistic expectations of his/her child.

If you intend staying in South Africa, if your child is going to go to a South African university or tertiary institution and if your dream for your child is a happy and secure future ours is the school for you.
Why – simply because we represent a microcosm of what South Africa in 2014 is – without the corruption, crime, ineptitudes, lazy and tardy approach to life. Your child will be happy here; s/he will compete, play and socialise with children from all walks of life thus preparing him/her for a South African future.

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